Tag Archives: Gosfort

Work, work and work: boat preparation week

Another 860 mile round trip to Gosport, this time I will be staying in the marina and not on the water. I volunteered to spend a week preparing the boat for the race.

A lot of work needs to be done. All the running rigging need to be replaced, adding small modifications for storage arrangements and the main engine, generator, pumps and winches need servicing.

A very good opportunity to learn the boat better.

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Starting easy in the swimming pool.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFunnily the Level 2 sailing training started on Saturday in a local teaching swimming pool. We completed a four hour theory session learning what to do if you go for an involuntary swim in the ocean and at four, the pool too hot to use our “Foulies” (heavy sailing water proofs), we lined up along the edge of the teaching pool in swimming costume and a T-shirt. Rescue swimming and climbing into the life raft was practiced in progressive stages of difficulty.

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Competent Crew with swollen hands

wpid-Photo-20141017141421.jpgLatest news is that apparantly I am now “Competent Crew”. Relaxing in my hotel room, the last thing I remember from the last day of the course is rowing in a small rubber dinghy in the harbour attached to a line to make sure we are not wandering off too far.
The last week was just incredible from stumbling on deck with no idea what is what and scared to touch any winch or other piece of heavy equipment to jumping about grinding, flipping sheets and halyards around winches, all this in six “easy” days. It’s a tribute to the patience and dedication of skipper “Adie” and mate “Carol” that we learned so much in such a short time.

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